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General House Rules

Thank you for coming to our pages! We’re glad you’re here. Note that comments posted by visitors don’t represent the opinion of Nestlé USA nor its brands.

Below are the rules for communications and general behavior on social‐network pages and online channels sponsored by Nestlé. Violation of these rules can lead to possible removal from the page or channel.

  1. Keep it clean: no indecent or otherwise inappropriate posts.
  2. Play fair: no libelous, defamatory, bullying, harassing, threatening or abusive posts.
  3. Stay on topic: no spam, good luck/chain posts, commercial/promotional posts, nor repeated postings of unconstructive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable comments/statements.
  4. Be original: share video content, links, photographs, and text if you have rights to it; if you don’t own it or have permission, don’t post it.
  5. Mind your own business: don’t invade other’s privacy or publicity rights; and don’t give out your personal information.
  6. Who can post: posting must be of people 18 or older, unless posted by or with permission of a parent/legal guardian.
  7. Keep it true and legal: no misleading or deceptive posts; no unlawful purpose or activity posts.
  8. Introduce yourself: if you are affiliated with Nestlé (employee, agency, incentivized blogger/brand ambassador, etc.) and you are posting a comment about our products, be sure to let everyone know about your affiliation.

Remember: We reserve the right to remove any postings found to be in violation of these rules. So play nice, have fun and thanks for being a Nestlé fan.

For more information or to contact customer service, please call the Hotline at 1-800-225-2270.

Read more information about Nestlé USA's privacy policy.