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At Nestlé, we know our employees drive our business, and when our employees are supported we deliver the best results. Our inclusive Parental Support Policy (PSP) is one way in which we provide that support. The policy is gender neutral, and applies to employees across all seven operating companies, at every level of the business and in all US locations. 

Benefits of the recently enhanced policy include:

  • 18 weeks of fully paid parental leave and up to eight weeks of unpaid leave for primary caregivers, with a maximum total leave of 26 weeks.
  • Up to four weeks of fully paid parental leave for the parent who is not designated as the primary caregiver.
  • The ability to return to work part-time during the 26-week leave window.

Individual journeys to parenthood are very different, which is why our policy applies to all kinds of families. Parents adopting a child up to age eighteen receive the same access to parental leave as those who have had a biological child, and we provide additional support for this option by helping eligible employees pay for adoption expenses, which can be substantial. We also provide medical and prescription drug coverage for infertility treatments, and employees can connect with specially trained nurses who can offer guidance on infertility options and costs.